学生教务处的工作人员与校园内的合作伙伴合作,支持学生克服他们可能面临的任何挑战. 我们帮助学生与适合他们个人需求的资源联系,并与关心学生的教职员工协商.  

What to do in an emergency situation:

如果你认为学生或其他人可能面临迫在眉睫的伤害危险, immediately call the Boston College Police Department (BCPD) for assistance at 617–552–44444; if you are off campus, dial 911. If you need help in assessing the situation, 在上午9点之间致电617-552-3310大学咨询服务.m. and 5 p.m.; after 5 p.m. contact BCPD at 617–552–4440.

Once the emergency situation has been addressed, 您仍然应该向学生外展和支持团队报告您的担忧,电话:617-552-3470或提交在线报告.

 Student of Concern On-line Reporting Form

What to do in a non-emergency situation

如果你认为对某人的安全没有直接的威胁, 并且您想与有关学生的人交谈,请联系学生院长办公室的学生外展和支持团队,电话为617-552-3470.  你也可以在这里提交一份有关学生的在线报告:

  Student of Concern On-line Reporting Form

Case Management Learning Outcomes


  1. 能够识别校内和校外的支持和资源. 
  2. 学生将了解如何以及为什么获得支持和资源. 
  3. 学生们在获得支持和资源时会感到更自在. 
  4. 学生将能够识别在他们的生活中支持他们的人和地方.  

As faculty and staff at BC, 你可能是第一个意识到一个学生正在努力的迹象, in distress, or in a state of crisis. 这些标志在校园里、教室里和学生宿舍里都很明显. 你可能会注意到一个学生在学业上的投入显著下降, increasing isolation from peers, 或者,当一个学生决定分享他或她的挣扎时,你可能只是在场. 学生最初可能会寻求教师和工作人员的帮助,因为他们可以被认为是可用的,愿意倾听. Therefore, 认识到痛苦的迹象和症状,知道如何回应并将学生转介到适当的部门寻求帮助是非常重要的.

痛苦或心理健康危机的迹象是什么? How can I help? 

重要的是要认识到当有人遇到困难,并在它变成危机之前进行干预. 如果学生已经表现出处于危机状态的迹象, it is important to respond appropriately. 

Signs to be aware of

这是常见的学生感到痛苦,在一个时间或另一个由于难以适应, stress, anxiety, self-esteem, 以及人际关系问题,并可能表现出抑郁等症状, eating disorders, substance abuse, and more. 当痛苦的症状持续一段时间时,会有警告信号,这可能表明问题可能是一个值得关注的问题.

危机是一种情况,在这种情况下,个人通常的应对方式不再有效, 情绪或生理反应开始升级.


Signs of Distress

Changes in academic performance

Changes in attendance at class or meetings

Depressed or lethargic mood

Hyperactivity and/or rapid speech

Withdrawal from friends or daily activities

Marked change in personal habits

Repeatedly falling asleep in class



Signs of a Mental Health Crisis

Destruction of property or other criminal acts

Extreme anxiety resulting in panic reactions

Inability to communicate

Suicidal statements or attempts

Loss of contact with reality or highly irrational thinking

Highly disruptive behavior

Confused and repetitive thinking

Fighting or assaultive behavior


Academic Signs

Deterioration in quality of work

Missed assignments or appointments



Lack of engagement in participation-oriented classes

Repeated absence from class or lab

What You Can Do for a Student in Distress or Crisis

如果你选择接近一个你关心的学生,或者如果一个学生找你, here are some suggestions:

  1. Talk to t当你们都有时间,不着急或心事缠身的时候,私下学习.
  2. Be direct and specific. Express your concern in behavioral, nonjudgmental terms. For example, say, “You look stressed. I’m concerned about you. Can you tell me what is going on?”
  3. Listen sensitively.
  4. Be aware of resources 并与学生分享适当资源的信息.
  5. Follow up. 稍后与学生一起检查学生的表现. Provide support as appropriate.

If you feel that there is an emergency situation, 或者一个学生可能对自己或他人构成直接威胁, please contact BCPD at 617-552-4444. Reporting your concern


Reporting your concern

学生教务长办公室(DOS)是校园工作人员的中心办公室, faculty, 学生和其他社区成员报告对学生的关注. 如果您关心学生,请通过我们的在线电子游戏软件 Student of Concern Reporting Form or by calling us at 617-552-3470.  您也可以直接将学生推荐给DOS团队617-552-3470.

即使学生报告的是他们在BC之前的信息, you should still report this to the DOS team. 特别值得关注的是报告有严重精神健康问题历史的学生, hospitalizations and/or suicide attempt(s).  

如果你担心某人的即时安全,请注意, 请致电电子游戏软件警察局(BCPD) 617-552-4444.


If you are concerned about someone's immediate safety, 请致电电子游戏软件警察局(BCPD) 617-552-4444.

The following is information about counseling, medical, 以及你可以提供给学生的个人援助资源.

The Behavioral Evaluation Team

行为评估小组(BET)是一个由教职员工组成的多学科小组,是关于可能处于困境或危机中的学生和/或表现出相关行为的学生的信息中心.  In its work, 该小组强调学生的预防和早期干预,并努力协调大学的资源,以制定支持学生的策略.  BET的目标是提高个人学生和校园社区的整体福祉和安全.

当学生表现出严重和迫在眉睫的健康或安全风险和/或表现出严重破坏大学学习环境的行为时, the BET makes an individualized assessment of the matter.  然后,BET可能会向学生主任或指定人员推荐一系列回应和支持策略,包括, but are not limited to:

  1. Outreach to the student to provide direct support;
  2. 参考校园支持资源和/或案例管理;
  3. 要求学生进行医疗/心理评估,并遵守任何此类评估提出的治疗建议;
  4. 修改校园住房安排,以限制对居住社区的进一步破坏, which may include relocation in campus housing, separation from campus housing, 和/或留在或返回校园住房的条件;
  5. Institute an interim administrative action(s); and
  6. Recommend or require a leave of absence.

The Office of the Dean of Students, or designee, 审查行为评估小组的任何建议, makes a determination about what, if any, measures are appropriate, 并监督谘询委员会建议的执行情况.